Annual clean-up campaign on the territory of the Biological Reserve “Turovsky Meadow” in Zhitkovichy district

Since 2009, the Unitary Enterprise “Coca‑Cola Beverages Belorussiya” together with the Public Organization “Protection of the Fatherland birds” NGO and the Turov Creative Center for Children and Youth have been successfully implementing the environmental clean-up campaign on the territory of the Biological Reserve “Turovsky Meadow”. The campaign’s objective is to protect a rich ecosystem of vast meadows on the banks of the Pripyat

turov meadow turov meadow

Turovsky Meadow is a place in floodplain of the Pripyat River with a unique for Europe landscape attracting waders, gulls, terns and ducks. During the migration, up to 200 thousand birds stay here daily. 150 thousand of European wigeon, up to 100 thousand ruffs and over 20 thousand of large godwits inhabit the Meadow’s territory. Its area is 678 hectares. Turovsky Meadow is a system of islands surrounded by flood waters.

Pollution of the Reserve’s area with waste, overgrowing of the territory with willow remain the main problems of Turovsky Meadow.

For nine years, the Coca‑Cola volunteers have been realizing a series of campaigns aimed at creating optimum conditions for nesting and stay of waterbirds during migration, preserving the existing ecosystem, maintaining the biological diversity of the territory.

In October 2018 over 40 pupils from Turov together with Coca‑Cola HBC Belarus’s volunteers cleaned up the territory of the Biological Reserve “Turovsky Meadow” from waste: plastic, glass and paper.

Environmental pollution is a global problem, but each person can contribute to improving the existing situation. In addition to addressing a wide range of environmental issues, the implementation of such environmental projects as “Turovsky Meadow”, “Let's do it!” contributes to raising the environmental awareness and responsibility among young people.