
International Festival of special theatres “Neprataptany shlyach”

The International Festival of special theatres “Neprataptany shlyach” was held in Brest on May 5-6, 2018 and gathered children and adults from the Ukraine, Russia, Poland, Latvia and Belarus. The purpose of the Festival is to attract public attention to the needs of people with disabilities, to promote their integration into society

All the performances are very emotional and touching. There are children's and adults’ troupes of special theaters playing together on one stage. The peculiarity of theatrical performances is that the actors are people with disabilities.

The theatrical forum was organized by Brest Youth NGO of People with Disabilities “Invalid I Sreda” with the support of the Brest Regional Executive Committee and the City Executive Committee, and is part of the international eponymously-named program, which is being implemented in Poland, the Ukraine and Belarus.

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For the seventh year in a row the Unitary Enterprise “Coca‑Cola Beverages Belorussiya” has supported the Festival. Traditionally, Alexander Poznyakov, director of the Brest branch of the Enterprise, visits the Festival.

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Annually the Festival attracts more and more theaters that bring and show exciting and creative performances, among which there are simple stories about love and friendship, hope and human relationships.