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Current Site: Belarus
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Current Site: Belarus
Through the 5by20 program, we enable women entrepreneurs to overcome social and economic barriers by providing business skills training, access to financial services and assets, and access to mentoring networks. In 2019 alone, 5by20 programs enabled more than 1.3 million women. The cumulative number of women enabled by year end 2019 represents a ~40% increase vs 2018.
To date, 96 countries have contributed to 5by20 results. Top 5 contributing countries in 2019: Poland, US, Ukraine, Kenya, China.
In 2019 Belarus, Germany, Ireland and the Netherlands have activated 5by20 programs and reported results for the first time.
We are particularly proud of the achievements from our global 5by20 initiative, which aims to economically empower five million women by the end of 2020 – from mango farmers and small shop-owners in Africa and South East Asia, to entrepreneurs in Poland, Spain, the Ukraine, and Denmark. We’re humbled to know that we’re helping economically inactive women feel confident about their financial futures. Our programs in Europe are diverse and tailored to local needs. Their focus goes beyond offering just business skills. They build self-esteem by promoting role models, overcoming stereotypes and providing mentoring
Lana Popovic President, Central and Eastern Unit Coca‑Cola
Since 2019 Coca‑Cola HBC Belarus has initiated several 5by20 programs. The women empowerment project "Women Entrepreneurs in Farming" in Orsha District of Belarus was financed by The Coca‑Cola Foundation and was successfully implemented by RPA "Belarusian Child's Fund". About 600 women-residents, mainly foster women and women with many children, women raising children with special needs who are on maternity leave and other vulnerable categories of women of Orsha District who wanted to make their landlot a way to improve financial situation participated in the project. During the project women-participants had trainings on how to run business in rural regions. They were taught sustainable agricultural principles and instructed on organic fertilizers usage by professional agronomists. As a result, the first year was very fruitful for all the participants: their production was sold at local and regional fairs and eco-markets. More than 15 participants registered their personal subsidiary plots, and now they can legally sell their harvest and consider expanding their land property. More detailed information about the project is here. In 2020 it is planned to scale up the project to Vitebsk region.
In December 2019 a new women’s entrepreneurship development project “Women Empowerment in Farming, Rural Tourism and Crafts” was launched in Brest region. The project was also financed by The Coca‑Cola Foundation and is implemented by Belarusian Association “Country Escape” in cooperation with Brest Regional Executive Committee. The initiative is aimed at supporting women with low income living in rural area in Brest region who want to turn their farm, plot of land or hobby into a source of additional income. Within the framework of the project, seminars, trainings and webinars will be organized for at least 500 women. Participating women will receive knowledge that will help them to start own business in the field of agritourism, handicraft or farming. Learn more about the project here.
Gender equality and women’s empowerment are among The Coca‑Cola Company global sustainable development priorities. That is why we urge to take every opportunity to challenge stereotypes, fight bias, broaden perceptions, recognize our needs and never stop admiring women that give their best self-every day.