Balance and moderation are the key to a healthy diet. We want our consumers to choose their favorite products wisely. That’s why we place clear, transparent nutritional information on the front of all our packaging
As a result of industry self-regulation announced in 2007, Coca‑Cola HBC products in Europe carry Guideline Daily Amounts (GDA) to help people understand the exact contribution a specific drink makes to their daily intake of energy (calories) and sugars.
In 2009, Coca‑Cola HBC became the first company in the drinks industry to make front-of-package energy labelling (including calories, kilocalories or kilojoules) a global commitment for nearly all products by the end of 2011. In 2012, we were one of 12 companies that signed up to the new EU Regulation on Food Information to Consumers, a voluntary framework for labelling Guideline Daily Amounts.
Nutrition information helps people make choices to meet their needs. Our front-of-pack labels clearly show calorie, sugar, fat, saturated fat and salt content, both as absolute values and as a percentage of daily intake helping consumers understand the exact contribution of a specific drink to their daily intake of energy (calories) and sugars.
No- and low-calorie drinks are also clearly labelled on the front of the packaging so that people can easily identify them.
Our partner in the Coca‑Cola system, The Coca‑Cola Company, is also committed to providing factual, substantive and understandable nutritional information on the products we produce and distribute.