
Volunteers of the Unitary Enterprise “Coca‑Cola Beverages Belorussiya” have launched a new stage of the global environmental campaign “Let's Do It!”

The Unitary Enterprise “Coca‑Cola Beverages Belorussiya” takes responsibility for protecting and preserving the environment. The company employees annually take part in environmental campaigns and initiatives inspiring others to follow their example

The environmental projects “Let’s Save Yelnya Together!”, “Turov Meadow”, support of Stockholm Junior Water Prize National Final Contest, the environmental campaign “Forest week” are the most outstanding and impactful environmental campaigns implemented by Coca‑Cola Beverages Belorussiya on the republican level. Since 2015 Coca‑Cola Beverages Belorussiya has been a general partner of the global ecological campaign “Let's do it!” that has become part of the global campaign “Let’s Do It – World Clean-up”. Each year the campaign involves about 18 million participants throughout 113 countries from all over the world. A civil society movement was born in 2008, when 50,000 people from Estonia cleaned up the entire country’s rubbish. The main purpose of the campaign – to empower and motivate people to clean up in public places.

In 2018, as part of the “Let's do it!” campaign, Coca‑Cola Beverages Belorussiya set up a special award (5 Apple iPads) for a winning team of students from higher and secondary specialized educational institutions that would have collected as much rubbish as possible in the forests, on the river banks and in the green zones of towns by the end of October. Coca‑Cola Beverages Belorussiya provides the students with everything they may need for the clean-up: baseball caps, gloves, garbage bags.

On October, 5, the volunteers of the Enterprise and the students of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University launched the environmental campaign. They took a “volunteer kit” (baseball caps, gloves and garbage bags) and left to collect rubbish along the lakefront in the village of Yukhnovka near Minsk.

That place was not chosen by chance: during the summer period locals and citizens enjoy relaxing at the lake. Unfortunately, people tend to forget that they should treat nature carefully. In fact, everyone should keep in mind that we live in nature and that nature is our home. 

14 employees of the Enterprise took part in collecting rubbish along the lakefront in Yukhnovka. Some of them were happy to share thoughts about their participation in the campaign:

For the second year in a row rubbish collection in the village of Yukhnovka has been perceived by our employees as team-building. Some companies climb the ropes, take interest in paintball, but in the Coca‑Cola family we try to mix business with pleasure. Together with the students of International Sakharov Environmental Institute of Belarusian State University and other volunteers we clean up the lakefront. This year we were extremely surprised at the amount of rubbish that appeared on the recently cleaned area. And though we cannot influence people’s actions, the Coca‑Cola family together with other volunteers will continue the struggle for our clean future

Artur Romashko HR specialist, Coca‑Cola HBC Belarus

Of course, on a global scale, we are unable to influence the change in natural processes, but we are obliged to keep that uniqueness of nature provided to us by the planet. There are millions of us, and every day we use and enjoy the benefits that are given to us. And if at least once a year we put our efforts together and clean up areas near our homes, in the parks, in the forests, we will thank the nature. Thanks to our active, like-minded employees, students and people who responded to the campaign, we found time to clean up rubbish near the lake in the village of Yukhnovka. In my opinion, this is a very important campaign! If we want future generations to swim in lakes, listen to birds singing and be amused by squirrels in parks and forests, we should protect and preserve our planet today

Yuliya Mezhen accountant, Coca‑Cola HBC Belarus

Environmental education and education of the younger generation is an urgent and topical issue in the modern world. This is the reason why such environmental campaigns are of significant importance. During the clean-up campaign in Yukhnovka I received a lot of pleasure and a lot of positive emotions: my colleagues and I communicated in an informal atmosphere, laughed, took pictures, and enjoyed nature... It's a pleasure and great joy to know that each of us contributed to the protection and preservation of the environment

Marina Kuchma accountant, Coca‑Cola HBC Belarus

Coca‑Cola Beverages Belorussiya carries out the global environmental campaign “Let's Do It!” in cooperation with the Republican Center of ecology and local history, “Center for ecological decisions” and also with the support of the Ministry of natural resources and environmental protection of the Republic of Belarus.

The students have an opportunity to do a good deed and get an award. More information about the terms of participation in the campaign are available here: